Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Only Thing I Packed Were Some Bags

Found: the cutest parents in the world eating lunch.  
Well, it's moving day once again and I'm exhausted. It's been a few days since my last post (okay, Scott, okay, Don, it's been a few weeks), and a LOT has happened.

First and foremost: I got a job! I left my baking yogi days behind me and am back to being a gainfully employed lawyer with a 9:00-5:00 (actually, 8:00-7:00) job. I do employment litigation now, which is a big change from my entertainment and business litigation days. And frankly, putting on pants before noon is a big change from the last five months.

With a new job comes a new firm photo! Taking firm photos is literally the worst. The worst! I've taken enough ugly firm photos to be prepared this time around, however, and googled "how to take a good law firm photo" the second my new boss told me this was coming. I warned the photographer that I suffer from facial tourette's and make the most hideous faces whenever a camera is pointed at me. He thought I was hilarious until he started trying to take my picture. In the end we had 302 monstrosities and one decent smile. (A note for those who haven't witnessed me in front of a camera yet: At one point the photographer suggested I stop smiling because it looked like I was straining my face. So I tried that, and then he said he could "fix my tooth" that was showing. Why!)

Google said that dark suits are best for law firm photos.
My law firm is located right across from the LACMA, and my soon-to-be-ex-house is located in Culver City, so a move was in order. I got an amazing (small) studio on Dunsmuir right off of Wilshire. My law firm is also right off of Wilshire, and my yoga studio is also right off of Wilshire. My entire life takes place on a one-mile strip on Wilshire. Who could have planned this? Me. I planned this.

So like I was saying, it's moving day and I'm exhausted. So far I've gone to yoga and eaten two pieces of chocolate biscotti that my mom made. Truth be told, I'm writing this blog in a sports bra and yoga pants and I'm not wearing any shoes. My parents are working so hard, though! Here's the view from my writer's chair:

When I was little I wrote a card to my dad that said he was the best dad I ever had. He still is.
I've gotta wrap this post up because the parentals are onto me. My dad just said that he lost his sharpie and his screwdriver, and my mom immediately blamed it on me ("Jana's just throwing stuff in boxes!"). I immediately came to my own defense and said that the only thing I packed were some bags! And that's the truth.


  1. We are 5 mins away and your butt better be up and working young lady!!! I even brought my kids against much protest as they hate doing anything that resembles work. And since I refuse to listen to their whining, that means you can't whine either as your an adult!

    1. Thanks so much for helping, sissy! I love you! See you Wednesday. :)

  2. We are 5 mins away and your butt better be up and working young lady!!! I even brought my kids against much protest as they hate doing anything that resembles work. And since I refuse to listen to their whining, that means you can't whine either as your an adult!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Scott! Did Ini get it emailed to her too?

  4. I love the story about your photo. Hahaha! I have yet to take any type of job pic, but I imagine it would go similarly as yours. Too bad we're not as naturally photogenic as Dad. :-/
